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Art Journaling For Anxious People: Create Your Way To Calm
Introduction 1
Course Introduction Module 1: Course Overview
Course Introduction Module 1: Welcome & Guided Meditation (22:48)
Course Introduction Module 1: What Is Visual Journaling?
Course Introduction Module 1: Art Journals: Different Options (3:27)
Course Introduction Module 1: Resources
Introduction 2
Course Introduction Module 2: How The Course Works/Materials (13:53)
Course Introduction Module 2: Visual Journaling As A Tool For Healing
Course Introduction Module 2: Materials
Course Introduction Module 2: Resources
Module 3: The Lessons
Module 3 : The Lessons
Lesson 1: A Sense of Safety
Lesson 1: Setting Up a Safe and Creative Space
Lesson 1: Journal Prompt: Feeling Safe (5:53)
Lesson 1: Journal Prompt: Feeling Safe,part 2 (16:56)
Lesson 1: Resources-Guided Meditation (5:06)
Lesson 1: Resources-Extension Lesson
Lesson 2: Understanding Your Anxiety and Stress Triggers
Lesson 2: Journal Prompt: Understanding Your Anxiety and Stress Triggers (36:09)
Lesson 2: Resources-Guided Meditation (6:28)
Lesson 2: Resources-Extension Lesson
Lesson 3: How Stress and Anxiety Get Stuck In The Body
Lesson 3: Physiological Reactions of Anxiety and Stress (3:40)
Lesson 3: Body Scan Meditation (8:26)
Lesson 3: Journal Prompt: What Anxiety and Stress Look Like (13:52)
Lesson 3: Journal Prompt: Bilateral Release Drawing (12:34)
Lesson 3: Resources-Extension Lesson
Lesson 3: Resources-Journal Template
Lesson 4: Worst Case Scenario Thinking
Lesson 4: How Black and White Thinking Limits Our View of Reality (7:49)
Lesson 4: Journal Prompt: Challenging Your Thoughts (17:47)
Copy of Lesson 4: Journal Prompt: Putting Things Into Perspective (11:57)
Lesson 4: Resources-Guided Meditation (6:59)
Lesson 4: Resources-Extension Lesson
Lesson 5: Control is in your hands
Lesson 5: Gaining Control Over Your Emotions (6:08)
Copy of Lesson 5: Cosmic Watercolor Backgrounds (8:26)
Lesson 5: Journal Prompt: Control Is In Your Hands (8:48)
Lesson 5: Resources - Breath Technique (1:44)
Lesson 5: Resources - Guided Meditation (6:27)
Lesson 5: Resources - Extension Lesson
Lesson 6: Lessons From The Labyrinth
Lesson 6: Journal Prompt: Lessons From The Labyrinth (18:30)
Lesson 6: Resources - Guided Meditation (5:29)
Lesson 6: Resources - Finger Labyrinth for Meditation
Lesson 6: Resources - Intuitive Mark Making Sheet
Lesson 6: Resources - Extension Lesson
Lesson 7: Pockets of Positivity
Lesson 7: Creating Space For Positivity (22:37)
Lesson 7: Journal Prompt: Affirmations (15:50)
Lesson 7: Resources - Extension Lesson
Lesson 8: Goodbye Anxiety & Stress
Lesson 8: Letting Go & Releasing Meditation (8:20)
Lesson 8: Journal Prompt: Letting Go (14:55)
Lesson 8: Resources - Extension Lesson
Lesson 9: Self-Empowered
Lesson 9: Self-Empowerment & Empowered Meditation (8:58)
Lesson 9: Journal Prompt: Self - Empowerment Collage (17:27)
Lesson 9: Resources - Extension Lesson
Lesson 10: Conclusion
Lesson 10: Closing (3:15)
Lesson 10: Bonus Resources - Journal Backgrounds: Part 1 (17:45)
Lesson 10: Bonus Resources - Journal Backgrounds: Part 2 (14:51)
Lesson 10: Bonus Resources - Journal Backgrounds: Part 3 (18:36)
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Lesson 5: Resources - Breath Technique
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